Republican Party of Jackson County Awarded the Top County Party in the State of Wisconsin.
Each year the Republican Party of Wisconsin recognizes county political parties who demonstrate a high degree of excellence, outstanding achievement and leadership by issuing The Wisconsin Award to the highest performing parties. State GOP officials perform an in-depth assessment of several key areas including county party organization, support of local and state candidates, community interaction, and membership participation, growth and retention. For 2016, the Republican Party of Jackson County received both The Wisconsin Award and the Top County Award, placing #1 of 72 counties. This surpassed their 2015 ranking as the State’s 3rd best county.
The 2016 awards were presented at the 2017 Republican State Convention held May 13th, at the Wisconsin Dells. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Senator Ron Johnson, and Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman Brad Courtney presented the award to Republican Party of Jackson County Chairman, Bill Laurent.
Laurent stated it was an honor to accept the award on behalf of county members, who put forth countless hours to make the organization successful. One of the things that made Jackson County standout was the fact that every Republican on the ballot in Jackson County won election in 2016. Five of the six state legislators representing Jackson County voters are now Republican.
Over the past five years, voters in Jackson County have voted Republican by ever widening margins. Republican margins have groan from a two point margin of victory during the last gubernatorial race, to 12 points during the 2016 Presidential election, a whopping 27 point shift from the previous Presidential election.
Politico Magazine specifically recognized Jackson County as one of 9 counties nationally that really mattered in the 2016 Presidential Election.
The mission of the Republican Party of Jackson County is to improve the life of Jackson County Citizens through the election of knowledgeable, conservative representatives who possess impeccable integrity and are dedicated to protecting life, defending liberty, and upholding the United States Constitution at all levels of public office.
You can learn more about the Republican Party of Jackson County at or